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Experience yoga with Ellen with a free video class!
The average sitcom lasts 22 minutes with 8 minutes of commercials. Why not spend that time in a practice that strengthens your muscles, increases your range of motion, and quiets your mind?
Release frustration, racing thoughts, and any patterns not in service of your well-being. Join me for a free practice, yours to keep, all for the time you’d usually watch TV or scroll through social media.
Do you have 22 minutes to energize your day?

“Best 22 minutes of my day! This practice is just what I needed to transition from work to home. Thank you Ellen!”
—Connie H.

Yin yoga affects the connective tissue throughout the body and specifically a targeted area where mobility is diminished; like the hips, shoulders, neck and spine. The long, passive holds help to relax habitual tension and allow the mind to settle. An aligned slow flow class done with patience and steadiness will strengthen your muscles and create fluidity as you move in sync with your breath.
To practice you will need a mat, or other non-slip surface, a firm, foldable blanket or towel, two yoga blocks, if available, and a willingness to begin. That’s it!
Don’t have any of the above? Here are some home practice options that can be substituted:
Yoga Blocks: 2 same size soup cans or books
Bolster: try using a couch cushion or bed pillow
Strap: use a tie or bathroom belt
You’ll receive a pre-recorded 22-minute Yin & Yang class that you can view online (no need to download)
Great question. Through my two decades of teaching experience, I use verbal cues, to help students find the alignment that feels proper in their body. In my pre-recorded videos, for certain poses, I demonstrate multiple options using props or an alternative posture that has the same benefit.